Good gaming laptop for 600-700?

First of all. The price range is very strict. I can't go over 700:(.

The laptop should be able to play games like GTA V BATTLEFIELD and games like them.

You should go with Lenovo ideapad z series, This series of Lenovo is really fantastic, this is not only cheap also much faster in compare of others.
Actually I have a laptop Lenovo ideapad z570, I'm using it from last 3 years, Its really good for you, Go for it…

There's NO Way to handle BF4 with only 700$ man, sorry. But you could get a used one for 700$

Get a second hand gaming laptop off e-bay or something. It's probably your best bet as a new laptop for that much isn't going to be anything special. It will probably only just barely run your games on low settings.

Are you asking for a price in AU or USD?

Go to the sony or dell.