My computer doesn't want to start up after factory reset?

So I was going to factory reset because the games were slow and there were some unneeded apps that I didn't find. Factory reseted it and it said: The factory reset isn't complete (or something like that) I had to choose if i want to resume the FR or turn on the Pc. I turned on he PC and it says as always: Lenovo. Thats typical but after the lenovo text it closes and shows it again. This repeats million times and i don't know what to do. Help!

Added (1). Btw its a laptop

Added (2). so again i was smashing keyboard and something came out:
There were things like: Information then Configuration then Security then Boot and then Exit. I was searching some internet tutorials how to fix and there were people saying something with BIOS. As I "clicked" configuration there was: System time: 13:51:52 (my time)
System date: (I'm gonna censore this xd) Wireless [Enabled] Hotkey mode [Enabled] Intel Virtual Technology [Disabled] Bios back flash [Disabled]

You probably need a new hard drive.

If it said… Factory reset isn't complete… Resume or turn on… I think you should have chosen… Resume…

:( i can't afford a new hard drive. But i still have an external hard disk
Edit: I was just tapping and smashing the whole keyboard and a text came out, i wasn't able to see it cuz it was TOO dark. I still seen a word "utilities" i don't remember others. I didn't see anything…

Edit2: So I probably know why didn't the factory reset finish. Its because i had my mouse and my battery charger connected.

It would probably have helped to read any info that came with the computer prior to performing a factory reset. If I were to do that on my current laptop, I need to go into the BIOS and persuade my laptop to boot from an otherwise hidden partition in order to re-install Windows!

You have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. You destroyed all settings, all newer Windows files, all newer drivers, all installed programs.
Try doing everything all over again. Or take it to someone with experience.

You charge it then get into the bath with it, make sure laptop charger is fully submerged.

I think you may well have a hardware fault and would first suspect RAM.
That may also explain the slowness also.
If you have two RAM cards try one at a time and see if the restore works


Go back there and get you're money back