My laptop keeps changing my IPv4 settings. How do I stop it?

The last few days I've been having trouble accessing the Internet on my laptop. Whenever I used the troubleshooter it would reset the built in wireless adapter and would solve the problem.

After a few days the troubleshooter began to say:
'Problem with wireless adapter or access point -not fixed'
'Windows can't communicate with the device or resource (primary DNS server)'

I searched on my phone, and changed the IPv6 and IPv4 settings to 'obtain automatically' and this solved the problem.

Then the IPv4 DNS setting began to revert back to manual. I would change it back to automatic, and this would give me access to the Internet for a few days, before changing itself back to manual. The more I did it, the less time I had access to the Internet before I had to put it back to automatic. Now, I have access to the Internet for about 2-10 seconds before it switches itself back.

I have done a virus check and found nothing. Reset the router. Disabled and enabled the adapter. Nothing is sorting it out. Everyone else in the house has no problems.

Lenovo G510
Windows 8.1 64 bit

Getting very frustrated! Can anyone help? Much appreciated.

No idea