My Laptop keeps saying limited connection?

So I got my Lenovo g500 last year for christmas. At first it worked well and then I updated to windows 8.1. Since then whenever i'm using the Wi-Fi anywhere the connection will randomly switch to limited and remain that way until I disconnect and reconnect. This is rather annoying as it happens every five minutes when its especially bad. I have no problems if I'm directly connected to my router with an ethernet cable. Also no one else in my house is experiencing this problem with devices ranging from smart phones to other laptops. If it matters I think the laptop has the broadcom 802.11 wireless card. Also in device manager allow the computer to turn this off to save power is switched off.

Maybe a corrupt or damaged Winsock>>>

Try this

Bring up the Elevated Command Prompt
and Run As Administrator, then type in the window

netsh winsock reset

After it states it was successful, then Restart the
pc and wait FIVE FULL MINUTES, then try to connect
to the internet. Your internet should now work

Forgot to mention, I have a Netgear r6300 router

Check the internet cables.

That sucks