My Lenovo idea pad laptop will read my Wi-Fi at home but when I go to Panera bread places of sort it won't read any Wi-Fi

Ok so I have a Lenovo idea pad laptop don't remember what number like idea pad 113 or which ever but my dad gave me this laptop last this year used. I rarely see him so I don't know how old it is or who was the one using it. Anyway when I'm home the Wi-Fi will work just fine but when I go to places such as Panera bread or Starbucks and such I won't get any Wi-Fi signal what so ever. There's projects I would like to do with a friend and I'm also in a process of buying a rent to own cabin with a friend and I don't want people in my house being so nosy so I have to go elsewhere to use the internet but I get so frustrated that I'm not able to use it anywhere other than my house.
Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this to happen? Anyway I could fix this?

You might have only one SSID or one gateway IP address for access to Internet--your house wireless router.
The Lenovo model number is on the underside, same as many others. At least my Lenovo G555 has it there.

Sounds like you're in Statesboro Georgia anyway here is the answer to your question open Network and Sharing Center and make sure that network discovery is turned on if it's not turned on you won't be detecting any new Networks