What are some great places to take a Lenovo laptop tofix loose power jack?

I accidentally stepped on the power cord while it was plugged in the laptop while i had it on the couch lol and it must have bended hard enough to make a wire come loose inside it and a piece of the cover broke off possibly damaging it even more i looked online and it seemed likenit would take days to fix it myself. What are some good stores to take it to and how much should it cost. It is a lenovo ideapad z585

The power jack is normlly part of the motherboard. It does NOT "break a wire" it breaks te motherboard. That could cost more than a new machine to fix.

Stores? I wouldn't think any retail stores like best buy or such would be4 good for this. Professional services such as electronics repair shops would be able to do it. If you have a steady hand and a basic knowledge of soldering, you could desolder the existing jack yourself and solder a new one on. It is usually a three prong jack, with each soldered to the motherboard. You unsolder the existing one and then solder on the new one in the same place.