My lenovo laptop has gotten really slow booting up?

My lenovo laptop has gotten really slow booting up? - 1

Mine did too, before eventually just shutting down altogether.

I'll never go with the brand again.

The problem is lenovo, not a strong brand for laptops. For future try going with more expensive brands with reputations of positive reviews.

Limit what programs are loaded when powering up. Try msconfig.exe.

How much disk space? How much free disk space? What updates is it doing? What OS and version is it running? What Anti-virus is it using?

What slows a lot of puters down during the boot process is the amount of programs that are being started during boot. Download and install CCleaner from Piriform. Once you have it installed click on tools and then startup and see what is being started when you power up. You should have no more then 5 to 10 programs running at startup for optimal performance. I have seen up to 50 programs being started when the user turned on the system. One of the programs that I found that hinders HP lappy is the support assistance. Check and see how many of the manufacturers bloat is in the start folder. Also, just about any program that you install today puts itself in the start folder. They all want to start so they can phone home. You can use the disable feature of Cleaner to stop the program from loading at startup. The great thing about the disable feature is that you can come back and add the program back to the startup if you want it. If you use delete then it is gone and you will have to add it back manually.

If you have a large number of programs running and need help deciding what to disable, then look in the bottom right corner of the window. There's a button that says save to text file. Click it and then post the text file, we will see what we can help you with.

Tip DO NOT disable or delete anything that has anything to do with the touch pad or the video card. I learned the hard way on that one.

This program can also keep your hard drive from being loaded down with junk from the internet. You should read the home page of CCleaner and see what other things it can do for you.

Lenovo is also famous for installing spyware on their lappies. They also got caught shipping system with spyware installed on them called Visual Discovery by Superfish. It was a giant security hole that they intentionally installed for corporate greed.