My lenovo laptop running slow after installing software?

My lenovo laptop running slow after installing software?

You don't need brainwashing and hypnotism, what you need is reason. Tell them why you need it so much.
If that fails then make deal(like getting good grades or something). Some parents love deals with their children.

You can speed up by the just follow these points…

1. Stop all unused applications.
2. Turn off unneeded Desktop Features that try to make things look better.
3. Do a shut down/reboot also known as a cold reboot.
4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
5. Uninstall all applications that are no longer needed.
6. Run "Error Checking" on all hard drives.
7. Run "De-fragment" on all hard drives.
8. Install anti-virus software and keep it current.
9. Find and Delete Temporary Files.
10. Be realistic.
11. Set your computer's energy settings to High Performance.
12. Clean Up Primary Partition.
13. Download a Secure Computer Cleaner.

If you still facing the problem then you should reinstall a new copy of window…