Need a laptop for playing these games at under $650

I need a new gaming laptop. I need portability and hence need a laptop. I know if I put the same money into a gaming rig, I would get better performance. I already have a gaming rig. The only reason I'm buying a laptop is for school and also that me and my friends decide to go to one persons house for LAN parties. My budget is 650$ and I can't go any further. I will not be buying this but my parents will( I'm 16).

I already have a gaming rig. The only reason I'm buying a laptop is for school and also that me and my friends decide to go to one persons house for LAN parties. I put a thousand bucks in my rig and hence my parents won't go lower than $650 for my laptop.

I will not be buying this laptop in the US but in a Middle Eastern country called Oman. Laptops like Sagaer, MSI and other laptops which aren't that worldwide aren't available here, so, please don't recommend them. Also I'm not a big fan of Toshiba, so don't recommend them either. Companies like Acer, Asus, Lenovo, and other worldwide companies will help.

I want to be able to play the following games at Low-Medium settings (Bold and Underlined games will be played at least an hour a day).
1. Battlefield 4
2. CoD: Ghosts
3. ArmA II/ArmA III (not necessary)
4. Planetside 2
5. Dota 2

Thanks a lot guys, in advance

Added (1). Sorry no underlined games.

You can buy leneovo, dell, hp hp is known for its graphics, personally i'm using hp