Should I get a touchscreen laptop? Lenovo E540 or G510?

I'm going to college in the fall, and I'm buying a new laptop now. I've been looking at Lenovo, as the laptops look good and they also have a really good sale going on right now.
I customized a laptop, the E540 (if anyone has any information on this laptop, let me know. I want to make sure it works) with everything I want, and it costs over $800.
On the other hand, the G510 (again, if you have any comments about this laptop, let me know) has everything I want except the touchscreen and it's $559.
They are both 15.6'', 4th generation intel core i5, 3.10 GHz, windows 8.1, HD 4600, and 8GB.
I tried a touchscreen laptop at Best Buy and I really, really liked it. As I understand, Windows 8 was designed for a touchscreen, so I think it would help in the long run.
Also, I would like to know how good the fans are. The laptop I have now has a really noisy, useless fan that I paid $100 to fix after it broke and overheated my laptop.
Thank you very much!

Added (1). CrazyFish--one thing that I need is a DVD drive, because I will be watching movies and playing some light games on the laptop. I do not want a tablet. I already have one and dislike it. If you have any information regarding whether the the touchscreen is worth the extra $140 or not, please inform me.

I don't know much about the 2 laptop you mentioned but take a look at the new surface pro 3 its awesome

just take a peek