Speakers not working sInce I got piece stuck in headphone jack

I use conexant smart audio in windows 10 on a lenovo laptop.

I tried Regedit but I'm so confused, what binary code do I use to completely disable it? I have no clue if it's zero length or 00 00 00 01.

Can't find the enable dynamic devices settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Technician. The laptop needs to be disassembled to get the piece out

Get out of regedit. Go to device manager. Uninstall the speakers and reboot.
This is assuming you got the piece out and the drivers just need to be reset.
If the piece is still in you may be able to change it by opening sound settings. Type "Sound" into the start menu search or into control panel search. You can change playback devices there. You will have to experiment to find what is what. Right click each and select test. One should play from the speakers, set that one as default. You can also disable the headphone jack in that same page.
Lastly, If this doesn't get you anywhere, you can kill the jack. Look for a video on your laptop make and model for disassembly instructions. It isn't as difficult as it sounds. Once you get to a point where you can see the jack you can break the connection. However you see fit. Cut the cable just snip a connector. As long as you keep you damage isolated to the jack and its connection you can't go wrong. My instructions here are assuming that what ever you have stuck in there's still present and the computer is registering it as something being plugged in. Having repairs many items like this I have used a small sharp tool to dig the obstruction out.