What are the chances Lenovo can fix my laptop for free?

I'm a medical student and I got a new Lenovo laptop i3 one with blue cover over the summer and I got frustrated over an email today and kind of lost my composure and started swearing and smashed the keyboard pretty hard.

The laptop was shut off and when I try to turn it back it it only shows the "Lenovo" logo but does not go to the Window start screen.

The laptop is 1 year warranty so it is before expired.

Can Lenovo help fix it free? Where to contact/send laptop for warranty?

No, they won't fix it for free.
Warranty only applies if a fault occurs with the machine,. IN this case, the damage was inflicted by you, therefore you are at fault and the warranty is invalid.

2 chances: slim and none. YOU caused the damage so YOU will have to pay to get it fixed.

Why would you even think that Lenovo would agree to fix your laptop for free when you've bashed the hell out of it. Not going to happen

It may not be fixable and you may have the expense of replacing it.

The chances of it being repaired for free are zero, zilch, nada, no, my friend.

NOT A CHANCE, physical damage is not covered under warranty. Get help for your anger issues.

No. They won't fix it for free.

Search "Lenovo" on Internet for customer support. There you will find warranty coverage details and repair options.
If you can't think of the basics like that for yourself, or control your feelings, don't endanger other lives by becoming a doctor. Maybe a pathologist might be better.

If your laptop is in the warranty then you have no problem

Warranty only covers "manufacturer's defects", not abuse. They will not fix it for free.