What is the better cheap laptop of the two for gaming?

I'm looking for a cheap laptop that can run the highest settings (less than $600) that I can game with. I plan on playing Dota2 and Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls and Starcraft 2. Which of these two is better?



This http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Diamond-AMD-Radeon-HD-6570-graphics-card-Radeon-HD-6570-2-GB/2671335.aspx?cm_cat=GoogleBase&cm_ite=2671335&cm_pla=NA-NA-DIA_VA&cm_ven=ShoppingFeeds&ef_id=U1sk5AAABe7YqU-g:20140426031548:s
or this http://www.amazon.com/...00F0RD9QA/
They have both got Nvidia GT740m. The intel costs more because it's the better CPU.
Try to get an Nvidia 640m, 645m, 650m, 740m, 745m, or 750m.
They are all good gaming cards & I don't think you can get anything better for $600.
Intel GMA graphics is useless. Avoid.


Both suck for gaming… You will be lucky to play any of the games you want with either laptop