Which laptop? Lenovo G505 (AMD) vs G510 (Intel)?

I'm looking at buying a laptop for school. It will mostly be general purpose for homework and notes and what not. But since i live a decent drive from where i sleep i would like it to be somewhat capable for entertainment purposes. Such as movies/tv and playing games. I play a variety of games too so, just for an example, Battlefield 4 is a pretty nice looking game on low settings. So which would perform better? The only upcoming game i'm looking forward to is Dark Souls 2. How would that fair?



I know intel has better CPUs but i keep hearing about how the a10 has much better graphics. On the low end would i even benefit from a better CPU in everday tasks to make up for the lack of the APU's graphics?

Added (1). Also on another note, i looked up and remembered that in recreational use outside of gaming i tend to have a lot of tabs open in chrome. Usually at least one of them running media such as youtube playing music. So multitasking factors as well.

Added (2). Sorry, apparently that was an older version of the amd laptop. New one here http://www.amazon.com/...00HIYA4F2/

Let's be honest here. The i5 system is going to have the more powerful CPU by about 25% in single threaded programs. But the Intel HD 4600 graphics are just not a good idea for any kind of gaming that's graphics intensive. It's great for desktop graphics and videos, but not gaming. The A10 has more physical cores which allows it to do more things at once, so it will be better at multitasking if you have applications that can use all four cores. But the win comes with the integrated Radeon HD 8650G which can play complex graphical games at medium to high settings. Games these days rely much more on the video chips than the CPU. The Processor just needs to be fast enough to process the video requests and do what calculation the game needs. That's the approach from AMD. Their processor is fast enough to feed the GPU, but not excessively fast when it doesn't need to be.

Given you want to do some gaming, I would have to come down on the side of the A10 Lenovo IdeaPad G505s. Weird memory configuration though. 6GB? That means they have a 4GB chip and a 2GB chip in the memory banks. So the memory can't properly dual-channel for maximum performance.