Will it make a big difference if I replace my Lenovo G50-80 TN panel for IPS?

I have a new Lenovo G50-80, 1920*1080 resolution. Before now, I thought the TN panel it came with will not bother me. But I can't look at this screen without feeling the regrets of a poorly spent $899.99. The color looks dull washed out and inappropriate.
I saw an IPS panel for it https://www.laptopscreen.com/English/model/IBM-Lenovo/LENOVO%20G50-80%2080E502XPCF/
but I'm confused because it is priced almost like the TN panel from the site.
Will I regret buying another panel in hope to get good color reproduction, or should I just accept that I'm tucked with this nightmare until the PC gives up.

Probably the electronics or connector would not match if you swapped.
You could try an external monitor. They make light weight USB flat panels that you could lay on top of that lousy screen. But not sure if three are IPS panels in that form.