Problem with My graphics Card?

Ok, so. I have a geforce fx 5500 and the maximum resolution is at 1024x768, and I can't change it. Now, I know this card is capable of much higher resolutions, but they are not showing. I have the latest drivers (175.16). What is the problem?! Thank you.

Added (1). LOL. I have an IBM ThinkVision L150 and the max resolution IS 1024x768. Interesting…

Sounds like your gfx card is mis-identifying your monitor. 1024x768 is resolution for TV. So Either do what the person above me suggested, and then manually force a resolution that you KNOW your monitor supports. Or you can try installing your monitor drivers. Ok i don't know much but i think if you go to your desktop right click and select properties and go to the settigns tab and click advanced and find the monitor tab and uncheck hide modes that this monitor can't display and it will show many more screen resolutions. Hope this helps!

Ok i don't know much but i think if you go to your desktop right click and select properties and go to the settigns tab and click advanced and find the monitor tab and uncheck hide modes that this monitor can't display and it will show many more screen resolutions. Hope this helps!