Sony picture motion browser- unable to make DVDs- Is it possible to transfer to Lenovo?

I have a Toshiba Laptop with a DVD drive, which doesn't work properly.
This has Sony Picture Motion Browser installed in it.
Due to erratic working of the DVD Drive, I'm unable to make DVDs.

I also have a Lenovo laptop *** Tablet PC which has more memory but no DVD Drive.

The problem is whether I can Use a pen drive to transfer the videos from Toshiba to Lenovo.
If so what is the navigation?
The Toshiba's Picture motion browser does n't appear to have transfer facility to pen drive.
Can anybody help me?

There are some very important videos on here, so if you have any information I would greatly appreciate it.

My wedding videos and my sister's ambassador trip to Japan are on this camera, so I'm very concerned.

The only thing I can think of is I was using it in a very shallow pool, but I'm 95% sure I didn't get any water on it. Even if I did, I have read of water being trapped behind touch screens, and they are still functional.

The camera looks absolutely perfect, it records properly and would probably playback properly if I could access anything without using the touch screen. I knew when I bought it that I never trust touch screens as they wear out and become less sensitive.

Does anyone have any information on how is could have possibly started not responding, and maybe how I could fix it?