Upgrading Ram from 4 GB to 12 GB on Lenovo Z570?

4 GB in one slot and 8 GB in another slot will that work out. As mentioned its max capacity is 8 GB but some say it can handle up-to 16 GB, while some say its bus speed on this model is 1333mhz so it will not utilize the memory but can it take and use 12 GB fully or should I just upgrade up-to 8 GB?

I can help you, give me 20 min and I'll be back.

If this system is made for maximum 8GB Ram Compatibility than don't use more than 8. If you do that only one slot will work other will be disable, also have more chance to damage your device. So either you use 4-4 gb two. If it is compatible to more than 8 or 16 than you can use more that much ram you have specified. But fist clear system Ram compatibility.

If you do this silly experiment, nobody guarantees your system's gonna work after it!
In fact, nothing's gonna broken, but this sys can really manage only 8gb.

Do NOT take ANY notice of idiots ho claim your machine can handle MORE than its stated capacity of RAM. These people may have been lucky and fitted more and it worked, but they will NOT be able to use it all. What normally happens though is if you fit more than a slot can take it will effectively use LESS than its maximum, but it may then cause misreading of the size and data can be posted to incorrect offset addresses, and that can totally stop the machine running or cause regular crashes. If you fit more total than supported the same rule applies. Even if it runs the machine will become unstable. So only add a matching speed 4GB RAM to the other slot.

Do NOT trust the people that say it can handle up to 16 Gbs of RAM unless they are certified workers of Lenovo. I would recommend only getting a 4Gb 1333 Ghz chip to refrain from causing any damages to your system.
Kingston 4 Gb Value RAM is great and relyable. I would highly recommend it as you get a bang for your buck. (Keep in mind this is DESKTOP Ram.)

There are hidden latches securing the cover to the bottom of the laptop. If All screws are loose, you'll have to apply some upward pressure to remove the cover.
Insert a small flathead screwdriver between the cover and the case and lift it up.
hope this can help you