Can I upgrade from GT 745M to a GTX 960?

I'm currently on a Lenovo z710 and I can't find anything on whether or not the hardware will be compatible. I'm pretty sure software shouldn t be an issue. Everything I read says Win 10 works fine with the 960. I just need to know if this would work, if anyone knows.

In 99.99% cases, you can't upgrade graphics card in laptop, since it's soldered to motherboard during manufacturing process

There are going to be huge issues.
First, a desktop graphics card doesn't fit in a laptop. Only a few weeks ago was a very high end laptop released with a real desktop GPU.

Next, laptop graphics cards are very rarely able to be replaced/upgraded. They are soldered onto the motherboard.

In short, you can't upgrade. You'll need to buy a newer laptop with a GTX960M graphics card on it.