Cheap laptop for college that is good for videos and Microsoft word etc?

I have a desktop at home but I need a moderately good laptop so I can work on projects at school, mainly Microsoft office stuff like word, PowerPoint etc.

But the second main thing will be video streaming anime, and watching it on my laptop.

Max I would like to spend TOTAL for shipping and taxes is $450, because it doesn't need to be super just able to do the things I listed.
It needs to have Windows 7 NOT 8.

Any recommendations?

The Toshiba Satellite C55-A5245 15.6-Inch Laptop sold for $429 at amazon see at link below:, is a very good laptop that will complete all your tasks very easily with lots of speed. It has a very good processor, as well as it has good memory and storage and Windows 7 that you need. This laptop also has a very good battery life which is something all laptop owners dream to have.