I need a gaming laptop for $600-$700 that can run Day Z, Minecraft, and GMOD?

I would like to play on these settings.

Preferred Minecraft settings: Fast, 12 chunks, V Sync off, would like stable 50-60 FPS (I have Optifine installed)

Preferred GMOD settings: Medium to High, would like a stable 50-60 FPS

Preferred Day Z settings: Medium to High, would like a stable 40-50 FPS

The most basic "gaming" laptops start at $750. An okay one costs $1k, a good one $1250, and a great one $1500+

For your budget you should choose a desktop instead. You'll get the performance you want for your budget.

I think the best game supporter is 1.73 GHz Processor, 2 GB Ram, 80 GB Hard drive. As you require. An external graphics card enabled powerful Graphics Technology.