Is This laptop good in you opinion?

Well first, please do not suggest buying another one cuz this is the best one i can afford right now and thanks

i already have a gaming pc but this laptop is for my little sister, she wants a good one for Facebook, Facebook games, Facebook videos, Indian films and a nice screen that she can enjoy

will that laptop make her happy? ( if not, please say why )

Honestly any laptop made today would work for those uses your sister will be a good laptop for her.

For the purposes she will want it for along with word processing, this device should be suitable.

You may want to add in a USB jump drive to make sure she keeps a backup of anything important she wants to keep (ex. Images, videos, documents) just in case there's a hardware/software disaster down the line.

For facebook and multi-tasking a good laptop for her, i don't know if this game is still open on facebook maple story microsoft had a problem with this game in the past hope they fix it

Well, most laptops can support Facebook stuff and movies (If not downloaded from some not entirely known website) and if its about 8-11 or a little bigger screen, then its perfect for her:-)