I knew that Lenovo batteries were bad but I didn't know that they were THIS bad! I bought my Lenovo Z510 on May 26th, and the battery is already getting worse.
Design Capacity48000
Last Full Charge39690
It used to last 3 hours (I knew this before I bought the laptop and I thought that 3 hours was do-able), but now it only lasts 2 hours, at 76% it already goes down to 1:34 hours! I can't use Energy management either, when I set EM to "Best battery health" and click 'apply', it simply goes back to 'best battery runtime' which I don't want! Any ideas to either restore the battery or prevent it from getting worse? (I already used 'battery gauge reset' several times, so uncharging it and fully charging it again).
I play The Sims 3 on this laptop and I thought that the high performance for the game might've damaged the battery but I highly doubt it! Before I go to bed I unplug my laptop as well, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.