Laptop for studying engineering in college?

I need a new laptop for the end of high school and all 4 years of college where I might study engineering or something like computer science or some form of bio/chem science.

I heard that the Dell XPS series and Microsoft Surface Pro 3 are pretty good, but I've been wondering also about the Lenovo Yoga 3. I've heard good things about it from a friend but so far no person or website has suggested it as a good engineering laptop, though it seems to have a lot of really good specs.

Among these three, which sounds the best? Are any more good ones that I'm not aware of? I'm primarily concerned about computing power, though having long battery life and being lightweight are a must. Touchscreen would also be preferable. Any suggestions?

Those aren't the machines to look at for engineering work. You should be looking at the Dell Precision line or the HP ZBook line. These are larger, heavier, and more expensive machines than the consumer grade stuff you are looking at, but they are built for heavy use that requires real computing power. These aren't the machines you can get at Best Buy, but will serve your needs as an engineering student better than anything on your list.

If you stick with your list, the Surface Pro 3 is the better choice.