Laptop screen-White Static?

My laptop, a Lenovo S20, had not suffered any hits as far as I know, and was purchased a little less than a month ago for my school work, will not work properly, the screen has white static and dead green spots all over it, it will occasionally show a screen that should happen (Recovery screen, password screen, etc.) But for only a couple of seconds.
(Additional detail: The laptop has Windows 8.1 installed on it)
P.S I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, English is a rather difficult language to learn at fifteen.

I don't know

The description "the screen has white static and dead green spots all over it." is liken to

possible video memory or bad connection to the LCD (or screen)? First making sure to be

powered and not running off a battery. Next open up the doors underneath the unit make

sure component connections are tight & secure re-seating the memory modules by popping out

by easing open the tabs in upper corners of the stick. Looking for a "snapping" feel &

sound when seating the memory into their connectors.

If still experiencing issue attempt entering bios per manufacture methods (pressing -

usually Esc, Del, F1 or F2 key at system post during power up.) Default the settings?

Try pluging in an external monitor VGA or other option available on your system (may find

settings in bios to enable this option).

some constancy is what you look to see in the systems reactions while using these various

troubleshooting methods. If the system is not constant in reacting to your commands, i.e.

"enter bios - see bios, etc.- the laptop could have a componet falilure - the video

controller likely built into the motherboard would require it's replacement, as a bad screen

would require it's replacement. (screen are not so bad to replace, can be found on Ebay for

round $50…