Should I let my fourteen-year-old buy a MacBook Air?

My fourteen-year-old son has saved up $500 dollars, from cutting grass over the summer. He wants a MacBook Air 11", which costs $899. He has asked for Best Buy gift cards for christmas, from all of his relatives to pay for the $399 he does not have. Should I let him do this. I'm worried it will get lost, broken, or stolen. He has been using my old Lenovo, and has taken good care of it, but I'm still worried.

Added (1). Thank you guys, but does a fourteen-year-old really need an $900 laptop?

Let him buy a Macbook. He has worked hard to get the money. He has demonstrated that he can handle a computer well.

As long as you have nothing against him owning one, then let him. Letting children save and spend money how they wish is critical for them to learn how to spend money later in life. If it turns out to be a mistake, well then he will learn from that experience.

P.S.- Since you probably aren't cruel, I recommend helping him out and getting a replacement plan. You know, just in case.

EDIT: Nope, he doesn't need a $900 $500 or even $100 (if they even make those) laptop. But it should be about him learning from experience. However, the decision is ultimately your's of course.

NO do not let him buy it! It is too small.

No, young kids don't need these gadgets.

Get him $50-$60 worth of books.