What is a good starter for a capturing gameplay videos?

I had just started to develop my Youtube channel with gameplay videos, and i wanted to do some console gameplay. I like the Elgato HD a whole lot, but i don't want to spend $150 just yet to get one. Once i have more experience with gaming videos, i will make the purchase. In the meantime, i need something that will get me started.

My first gameplay video series is going to be on an older console, like the N64 for example. I'm welcoming suggestions for a starter caputure, and i appreciate your inputs.

Device: PC (Lenovo Yoga ThinkPad '14)
Broadcasting Software: Open-Broadcast Software (OBS)

Any other details you need to know, let me know, and i will update them when i get a chance. Thanks, guys!

Added (1). Oh and one more thing, i want to get a good balance of quality and price, just so you know.

The Dazzle Capture Cards are inexpensive and work okay. I would suggest trying to find an HD one. I bought a really old one, no HD to get started only costed me about $20 the headset was what really costed me.

I chose to use a headset, they're cheaper than buying a mic like Pewdiepie.

So I've dabbled into video making. You'd think 100 videos in and I'd be a pro, but actually 100 videos goes by very quickly when you're releasing content every day.

What this experience is, and how it applies to you, is I want to warn you about audio software synching. This is the hardest part, getting your voice to match up with what's going on in video games.

Leaving the commentary out is easier, but you will not be as successful without it. Pewds started with only a capture card and headphones, and look where he is now.

Sadly, the audio synching is the absolute basics of video making, and I suck at it pretty hard so I stopped haha. I have no answer for that. My suggestion, if it's possible to find software that does video and audio at the same time, but most people swear by using the Audacity (I believe) software, which is separate from any other software and is audio recording only.

Heck, you might just need skype to record face cam and audio, then sync Skype with your video recording, which will be separate without a doubt. I never tried it.

By using the basic equipment, the video and sound quality will be affected, but I believe with these, you can still make decent videos. How you use them to be successful, is up to your imagination.

Take care!

This would depend on your console ect

I started off recording using a dazzle capture device on the Xbox 360 and PS3 and its output was AV.

I then wanted hd gameplay so I brought the hd pvr and I had that for 4 years to record Xbox and PS3 gameplay
The newer consoles now are only hdmi input and output so I would suggest either an elgato or a hd pvr 2. There's also another one called Roxio or somthing. Never seen or used one so can't tell you if they are any good or not

On a hd capture card your looking to be spending anywhere from £50 a £150 and I'm guessing you have editing software too to render in hd if your doing commentary ect