Microsoft Virtual Network gets me banned from my campus Wi-Fi. How do I permanently disable it?

I'm a college student and need internet access every day. Unfortunately my computer(Lenovo) constantly turns on a "virtual network" which I guess acts as a hotspot from my computer and the IT people don't like that. I've been banned from the school Wi-Fi multiple times. I have unistalled the drivers but it comes back. So everytime I turn on my computer I have to disable this network from my "network and sharing center" and hope the administrators haven't seen the network pop up. I've taken it to them and they don't know how to get rid of it either. Does anyone know what I'm referring to? How do I destroy it forever? I have windows 10 on a Lenovo G50 - 80

Hard Disc Drives (HDD) Random Access?

I'm coming across some very stubborn people on YouTube who don't recognize:

1) that HDD are a form of RAM (random access memory) because on a HDD you can start reading wherever you like without having to go though the entire volume like a cassette tape; while there are latencies associated with the position of the sector, they are equally spread out since the computer is likely to access many sectors during its operation;

2) that RAM can be non-volatile, such as magnetic core storage, which retains data regardless of the presence or absence of power.

And just because HDD doesn't act as main storage (the storage from which the CPU directly accesses data) it doesn't mean it isn't memory.

Is there anybody who sees this matter as I do?

Google Play Store Not Opening on Android?

So I recently purchased the Lenovo Golden Warrior S898t+ off of Amazon, however its main language is in Chinease, I managed to change it to english, even though some of the interal settings were still in Chinease, and used it for a week and it worked perfectly with minor glitches. However, one day I needed to use the camera which started glitching and wouldn t stay open for more than a minute. I tried everything and eventually had to do a factory reset, which solved the problem. However then it asked for an update and I thought why not? Well this led to the entire system changing and the installing of multiple lenovo apps including lenovo s own store, which is in Chinease only! And the Google Play Store no longer works. I have tried EVERYTHING I could find: cleared cache and data, I rebooted, I rooted my phone (which did nothing since I can't download any apps), I even flashed the basic firmware which all did nothing. Does anyone have ANY idea on how to fix this?