Lenovo tab 2 a7-30 connect to tv?

Just bought a Lenovo tab 2 a7-30 and I'm wondering if I can connect it to my tv? Is there a cable I can buy like a type of hdmi and does anyone know the name of it?

Enabling SSD that is not showing up?

I have a Lenovo y50-70, and I recently wanted to put the operating system on the included 24gb ssd and make it my boot drive, as that would be much faster than the factory hard drive that was also on it. In the process I reinstalled windows, but there was no option for the ssd, so I just redownloaded it to my hdd. After checking what was going on to format my ssd so that it would work, I saw that disk management doesn't even recognize the presence of an ssd, only my hdd. It's as if there's no drive there. I need help.

Which all-in-one computer to buy?

Please, don't make me out to be a dumb teenager.
I'm sixteen and I know absolutely nothing about computers.

What I do with my computers:
1. Watch a lot of movies
2. Surf the net a lot.
3. Facebook.
4. Don't play any games.
5. Use the word processor.
6. Work on loads of photograph.
7. School work.

My Demand:
1. A large screen (above 20 inches), with an amazing resolution.
2. Portable.
3. Touchscreen
4. Sleek looking. (keyboard and mouse too.)
5. 1 TB storage.
6. Really fast.
7. Windows 10?
8. Web cam
9. Built in wireless networking

I really don't know anything. I don't want an imac but was looking at 'lenovo' and 'dell' the other day. Money is not an issue but keeping it under $1000 would be great.
Any help would be kindly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

Added (1). With an intel chip too.

GRUB is command line only and can't boot?

I have a Lenovo Z50-70 and for a while, I have been dual-booting Windows and Ubuntu (15.04). I recently decided that I wanted to try something new. I installed elementary OS. The installation went well, but when I rebooted to test my new OS, it went into GRUB which is now entirely command line line only. I will admit, I'm sort of new to this, so any help would be appreciated.

Added (1). Grub is command line only and can't boot

What is the minimum amount of effort I can do to improve my PC slightly for gaming?

Windows 10 Home
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2030 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
4.00 GB of Ram
Intel(R) HD Graphics Card - 1792MB Available - 32MB Dedicates Video Memory

So what is the least amount of work I can do to improve my PC's capabilities?
Can I just get a better graphics card and more memory or do I need to improve other components all together?