Wi-Fi Driver needed for internet on Lenovo Yoga Pro 2?

What driver can I use to get internet on my lenovo yoga pro 2? I STUPIDLY installed windows 7 64 bit. Now I have no internet, can't take wired connection. Can't upload to disk and download because it doesn't have a disk port. I'm asking for a link for a windows 7 64 bit. Driver for Wi-Fi. Any help welcome. I ****** up. I know. Plan is to download to USB and upload…

Can't open BIOS on Lenovo H520

I'm trying to increase my dedicated video memory and to do so I need to open my BIOS but when I try to my monitor remains on standby (it automatically turns on along with my PC) and nothing happens, the screen remains off and BIOS doesn't open nor windows so I have to manually turn my PC off with the button. The BIOS key for my PC is F1 but i've noticed that pressing delete, f2, and f12 cause the same thing to happen during startup. I went to the Lenovo site and checked for an update however the site says that the H250's BIOS is up to date so there are no updates available. Anybody know what is going on? Has this happened to you? Any solutions?

I have Windows 8.1, it came originally with windows 8 but BIOS didn't work with 8 either. And I can't launch the BIOS from Windows as I have no option to do so.

Asus vs Lenovo vs sony vaio which one is good 2014?

I want to know which one is good? Some people who had both or some technical people talk about it please which one is good?

personally i like this one

Why are Dell computers so bad?

It gets seen as a low-end brand, but what makes Dell computers so bad? If you upgraded a basic Dell computer, it can be OK for gaming.