Laptop screen distorted

I got a Lenovo ideapad 330 on Christmas, it worked fine until today my screen became distorted! I'm SPOSE TO BE GETTING A DRAWING TABLET IN THE MAIL ON TUESDAY, I tried fiddling with the screen, it came back to normal and then when I closed it and then opened it again it glitched out again! I'm so mad! Any help?!

Added (1). It has a horizontal white line almost to the bottom and gray vertical lines in the background of it

Added (2). Update we will try and get it fixed at a nearby GadgetER

You can go to a cornputer place and they can fix it for you

Without a screenshot of the problem we're just guessing, take a picture of the problem with your phone and post here. It may be covered under warranty if it isn't physical screen damage.

Without a picture or more info, we can only guess. But, it sounds like a driver issue. Go to the Manufacturer's website and download/install the latest video driver for that model. This should take care of the issue.