What can I do if think been setup with something not done?

I have video evidence I have recorded myself and in video 6 the daughter calls me a "F'in Evil Be" Someone is also playing sounds and when I turn my computer on that's when they will start. I have video evidence that when I have just turned on my computer and says Lenovo and waiting to go to sign in screen one of the noises start its every time I go on my computer it will happen of different things. The only person I think this could be is my next door neighbour as always in conservatory minding my own business and they are the one who can see me from bedroom window. But I seam to be a target with people causing trouble for me. I suffer from epilepsy & just had neurosurgery and don't need it what can I do

Added (1). I know your not in this situation so you will say that. I suffer from epilepsy and are shouting evil & die. I suffer from epilepsy and in the 18 century they use to say people with epilepsy caused witchcraft and think this is what it's all about. They say I'm suppose to be gay and other things. This has gone on for nearly 2 years and don't know what I supposed to have done. I keep my self to my self and don't bother anyone so don't know what I have done.

Added (2). http://www.epilepsyhealth.com/fact-myth.html

You can get on your meds and stop having paranoid delusions, since that doesn't help much of anything.

So a little girl yelled something at you and you hear noises when you turn on your computer.

You could grow a thicker skin and deal with it like an adult. Or you could continue to rant foolishly online and brag about your "evidence" that no one cares about. Your choice.