What is the largest, most reliable, yet cheap internal HDD?

I have recently purchased a pre-built gaming system, that was included with a 128gb SSD, and a 1TB drive for storage and program installation.

After installing a wide range of the games that I enjoy playing, I have come to the point where my drive is within 200GB of being full.

My question is; What is the largest, most reliable drive for cheap? And by cheap, I mean no more than $150, but more around 100-125 if possible… Every penny counts around here…

Since I have had plenty of experience in the past with Seagate, I have ultimately decided that I would like to stray away from their "green" drives, and their so called "affordable dives". Many of these HDDs have failed on me in the past, and seagate support was a nightmare. Telling me over the phone that my "green drive" was only going to be covered under a one time replacement, (because it failed within 6 months), at which I had to send it back to them, and wait for a refurbished replacement; paying shipping in the process. Of course, it was nice that they replaced it after a few hours of bickering; but, it did fail in less than 6 months just sitting on my desk as normal storage… Which usually isn't a good sign of a decent drive.

Either way guys, I've been looking for days for a correct drive, but can't get past the flood of seagate products… So please, let me know what you think…

Thanks, and can't wait to hear from you…


- My computer btw, is a Lenovo Erazer X700.

There are many companies making Hard drives. WD, Buffulow, Samsung, Hitachi etc. Are prominent brands. You may visit a website like ebay.com and search for HDD and choose from them. You may also ggogle for HDD reviews.

First off never get the "green" drives. They're known for being unreliable. I have a "white label" hard drive I bought from ebay brand-new and it's never failed me in 3 years of using it as a storage for all my steam games. White label hard drives are unbranded, no name hard drives that are mass produced by hard drive companies and then sold to companies like western digital, seagate, etc, who then sell it under their name. The things you look for in a good hdd:

-Capacity (In this case as much as possible for cheap so 3tb)
-RPM -7200 is best, rpm is rotational speed of the discs inside hdd
-cache- this one doesn't really matter but 32mb or 64mb is good. Between 32 and 64 you will not notice a difference
-Interface- SATA 6 gb/s

I've found one that meets your criteria:
