My hdd is running at 100%?

I have a problem with y lenovo y500 with dual graphics cards.
The problem is that my drives are always running at 100%. My friend had the same problem but I fixed his PC by minimizing page files. I tried the same on my pc, but it didn't work.

How to verify lenvo mobile phone?

I bought a Lenovo mobile phone online, but the equipment looks like a second hand. So, how do I verify if the product is genuine? Can we check the IMEI/serial number from Lenovo site or call Lenovo customer support to check that?

Recommend a good PC to buy that is under $400?

I'm looking to purchase a PC that I can hook up to my 55" HD TV to basically use to watch movies and videos from the Internet. I would prefer the total (including taxes and shipping) to be $400 or under, preferably even $350 or so.

I have fast Internet so that won't be an issue. I'm just looking for a PC with some good specs that won't make the videos all choppy and has a video card that can handle movies and all that.

Thank you very much for any help you provide. I would appreciate links or specific model names so I can Google them easily.

Will a i5 intel processor work good for music production for a beginner?

I'm going to start to make beats and I'm on a 500 dollar budget and wondering f I could work with a new model of 4th gen i5 processor for now until I upgrade? It has 8 GB or ram and 3.4 GHz, do you think I could save the extra $200 and buy equipment? I only have money for a i5 processor right now just wondering if its okay to work with? This will be a huge upgrade for me from a 2005 dell "AMD 64 Athlon" with windows xp

Any of these I can disable at startup?

I've disabled programs at startup that I know I don't need but I want to know if any of the following are safe to disable at startup.
Intel Services Manager
Lenovo Energy Management
Lenovo Battery Management
HD Audio Background Processes
Realtek HD Audio Manager
Persistence Module
hkcmd Module
ETD Control Center
igfx Tray Module

Thanks to anyone who can help!

Added (1). Alrighty, both the Lenovo Energy consumption items are disabled and nothing's gone wrong. Too the other commenter, why exactly would disabling the audio driver be bad at startup? Wouldn't the just find their way back On when I needed to access them again?

Why does my lenovo r500 not type the at sign?

My Lenovo R500 does not type the 'at' sign nor can I type capital letters. If I need to type a capital letter, I have to hold down the 'caps' lock key. How can I fix that. I can't even type a question mark.

Added (1). what i do is hold down the shift key and press the 2 that has the 'at'sign but nothing happens. Even when i want a double quote or a question mark, I can't type them.

Never built my own PC before from the ground up. Does this PC have any useful gaming components?

This old Lenovo I found in a shop. The processor was what I mainly wanted it for and it was only $100 since it needed a hard drive and was slightly outdated.

What parts of this PC would be good for gaming+ live streaming at the same time? Also, ignore the Vista as standard OS. I have Windows 7 64 bit waiting in the mail.
I'm gonna get 8GB RAM when I get a bit of money in the bank again as well.