Will a i5 intel processor work good for music production for a beginner?

I'm going to start to make beats and I'm on a 500 dollar budget and wondering f I could work with a new model of 4th gen i5 processor for now until I upgrade? It has 8 GB or ram and 3.4 GHz, do you think I could save the extra $200 and buy equipment? I only have money for a i5 processor right now just wondering if its okay to work with? This will be a huge upgrade for me from a 2005 dell "AMD 64 Athlon" with windows xp

Yes. An i5 can let you play GTA 4 on max. I think its enough LOL IT IS ENOUGH. 4TH GEN IS THE BEST but a 3rd gen is good too.
If you need help here is a link for an awesome pc my friend bought


it has 2000gb of storage for your music needs. 8gb ram. An i5 3300 QUAD core. So you are good with this one and it has Windows 8 For all of 400$