Windows 8.1 sleep problem?

Everytime I put my tablet (Lenovo ideatab lynx) with windows 8.1 to sleep the screen stay on black and it's wasting battery. How could I fix this? I don't wanna turn my computer completely off everytime I don't wanna use it. I wanna keep it on and sleep without wasting battery

I have a Lenovo Ideatab A2107 Tablet and it got stuck in the same web page?

I have a Lenovo Ideatab A2107 Tablet and it got stuck in the same web page.

None of the other functions work. It doesn't turn off nor on. The screen doesn't respond. It just a frozen image of the las application (gmail) I was using. I thought of remiving the battery, buy I don't know where it is.

Locked Out Of My Lenovo IdeaTab Android Tablet?

I'm locked out of my Lenovo Android tablet, because my brother tried doing the pattern code many times & now it's asking me to sign in with my Google account & I did sign in with my right email & password & it still won't work. I even changed the password & it won't work. I tried doing a factory reset using the power button & holding the volume & still nothing. I logged in on my computer & it worked & on my Android, it won't? I need this to be fixed now. So what should I
do? Plus, whenever I try logging in to Gmail, there's no internet connection & I can't connect to the internet, because it won't let me. It won't let me do anything, until I put in my email & password in… So anyways, Please help, thanks!

Added (1). To Shayn: Yeah, that's what I said, but it won't like let me connect to the internet & I'm trying to click stuff & it won't let me, but it's being stupid, so I have no idea, but I need this to be fixed as soon as possible.