Lenovo Yoga 10 tablet vibrates and screen flashes whilst charging?

So I just went to put on my tablet and it didn't turn on. I thought that it may have been out of battery, so I put it on charge.
All of a sudden, it begins to vibrate every 3-4 seconds and this is accompanied with the screen flashing a white light, synchronised with each vibration. The power button light also lights up with each vibration.

I have tried to hold the power button down for a long time but it hasn't worked. I'm wondering as to whether I should just leave it and try to turn it on in the morning?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm in desperate need for my tablet since I'm doing exam and it is home to all my secondary revision material.

Why is my computer volume so loud?

I have a Lenovo laptop with Windows 8. I believe it's called a Yoga. It's one of the ones that is touch screen and can fold into tablet form. It's great, but the sound is always so loud. I always keep the volume on 1 (the lowest it will go), but it almost blows my ears out when the volume change confirmation sound plays. I also turn the volume of whatever I'm listening to all the way down (iTunes, Netflix, YouTube, etc.), yet my sister can identify what I'm watching from all the way across the room. Also, even when I have my volume all the way off, it sometimes still plays sound and the only way I can get it to stop is to close my laptop. Please advise!

How to send my Lenovo Tablet to be repaired? (UK)?

I suspect my Lenovo tablet screen to be broken. Not the glass on top but underneath because it is not showing anything except a crack and lines from top to bottom.
I checked whether it was still under warranty and it still is (190 days left) but I don't know where to start for it to be sent off and repaired. Could someone maybe guide me on this please?


PS If you haven't gathered I'm from the UK, so it would be preferably to have a UK based website.

How to turn of the shutter sound of the camera on my tablet?

I have a lenovo android tablet and I can't find a way to turn the shutter sound off. I've tried turning the volume of the device all the way down and the shutter still makes a noise. I've checked all the menus in the settings and can't fine any option on turning the sound off and I've checked the settings while in the camera as well.
I really need help because I want to take photos while I'm at uni and as of the library to help me with my work and don't want to distract those around me. Amy help will be highly appreciated and thank you all in advance.

Which computer is better?

I have to buy a pc for school (i already ave a good strong 17" pc at home but i can't take it to school) and I'm looking at these 2 https://www.jbhifi.com.au/computers-tablets/laptops/lenovo/lenovo-g50-30-15-6-laptop/630186/ https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-atlas-x1510-laptop/
i need one thats ok one that won't screw me over and breakdown after 2 days use. I will use it for school, i will hve adobe, word, powerpoint etc. Maybe asphalt 8 and a few small games and movies. I'm kind of leaning towards the kogan one because its cheaper and i have to use my own money.

Toshiba 3TB hard external drive?

OK I have a lenovo android 8" tablet, a Toshiba 3TB hard drive, a USB to android plug cable. Now my question is how can I view the files on my 3TB drive with my tablet? Is there a app I can get to view the files? I have pics and movies on it. When I plug the external drive to the tablet the drive lights up and the tablet says empty drive. I do not have a computer at the moment cuz it died but will be getting a new comp soon.