When i reboot my lenovo tablet it instantly goes to system recovery?

My tablet wasn't turning on for some reason so i just pressed the reset button. I press the button to turn it on and the lenovo logo popped up so i was thinking it was fixed but then shortly it went to system recovery mode. I clicked on the reboot now option but it did the same thing and came straight to the system recovery screen

Lenovo Yoga 900 vs/ Macbook Air?

I need a replacement laptop and have gone without one (to save money) for about five years now. I've been mainly using a home Windows PC at home that I use regularly everyday for several hours.

I've had laptops before but they always die out because of my constant usage. Ideally, I want a laptop that can withstand everyday (8-10 hours usage) without slowly deteriorating in performance. I multi-task ALOT and mainly use it for simple word documents, video watching, Netflixing (more like Net-binging!), downloading the occasional torrent and play the occasional steam games (think medium-light gaming)

I really need a laptop though, that will endure like forever! And I've heard the endurance that Mac laptops have, but kind of worried that I won't get used to the Mac OS because I've always worked with the Windows platform. Not sure if I'll transition too well.

But I love the Yoga 900 design and the fact that I can convert it to a tablet so I can comfortably play Steam games in bed.

Can anyone give me any pros/cons on getting one or the other?

New Lenovo tablet will not work?

I recently bought a Lenovo TAB S8 and it has been delivered today. I turned it on and the second I tried touching it to set the country and time ect it would not work. The touch screen will not work, i've held the off button for 30 seconds to turn it off and then turn it back on. I done this 3 times and it will not work still! :/

Could I build a Hackintosh with this?

It's a Lenovo X61 Laptop (NOT TABLET) with:
2GHz Intel Core II Duo
Intel Integrated GFX
Lenovo 7674GS3 Motherboard
1024 x 768 x 24 TFT Screen
Any other specs? Want more information? Just ask.

Could I make a Hackintosh with these specs? If so, what OS X version?

Difference between i3 and i5 processor?

I'm looking to buy a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and I want to know the difference between the i3 and i5 model as well as the processor difference. The price difference between the two is £200 so I don't really wanna buy the i5 version unless i need to in order to have a good experience with the Pro 3. Also I'm not a photo developer or anything I'm a student who will be using this as a tablet and mainly as a laptop for essays and write ups.

Wacom Bamboo Tablet not reading pen?

I have a Lenovo laptop with Windows 10 (formerly 7). The tablet won't read the pen or turn "Touch" off, and there a huge delay on it. Plus, I have no idea how to work Windows 10, but then again, it wasn't working on 7. Also, all the lights are on and the pen works fine on my other computer. So how can I get it to work on this one?

What is the best laptop/tablet to buy for post secondary schooling?

I'll give you a little background on what path I'm taking if that helps with what laptop / tablet is best for me. I'm going to college for a General Arts Program which includes history, English, health, philosophy, anthropology and computer studies. From there I'll be attending university for 4 years, the program i decide to go into depends on interests me most during my time in college. I'm also thinking about becoming a teacher so 2 years of teachers college. I'm not too big on computers so I honestly have no idea what's the best thing out there. I've been told Surface Pro 3 is the best thing. I was also told that buying a cheap laptop every couple years would be better. Any advice is much appreciated.