Can't overclock AMD Graphics Card

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad E575 (it is a laptop) when I first got it I could overclock it but it was relatively unstable but it would work. But a week or so after that it would not overclock not even with afterburner. I cam very confused as to why it will not overclock anymore. Any help would be appreciated. Details: AMD A10 9600P 2.4Ghz, AMD R5 + R6 M435DX Linked (Strange I know), 2GB VRAM, 8GB DDR4 RAM 2400mhz.

How do i ask my mum for a new laptop?

I currently have a lenovo thinkpad chromebook. I've had it for about 3-4 years. It has many dead pixels, it shuts off randomly a lot, the screen freezes, etc. I'm in high school, and it is useless for computer work. It was fine in middle school because everything we did was on the internet, which is not the case now. I can't download any applications (because any apps have to go through google play, which, as we all know, is anything but useful). I don't have any money to buy it myself. How do i askmy mum for a new one

How can i make Windows 10 faster on my laptop?

I have a Lenovo IdeaPad 110 with Windows 10, it's less than 1 year old how can i make faster like it just came out of the box. It was "scrapped" by the original owner because it became too slow and sluggish i have tried using it but it's taking hours to do simple tasks like cleaning out temporary files and do optimisations suggested by the anti virus and it's so slow web pages don't want to load

My laptop screen is flickering: what do I do?

A bit of background:
I own a Lenovo Flex 5. It worked fine for over a year and only recently developed an issue. When displaying something full-screen so that a band of a solid color (always with yellow, orange, and blue, occasionally with other colors) goes across from the left to right edge of the screen, the bottom 75 percent of the screen turns black and the top 25 percent flashes rapidly (strobe-light speed) between what should be displayed and black. If left blinking like this, as soon as the full-screen color is removed, the top portion of the screen will still lightly flicker for a few seconds and slowly fade away, usually proportional to the amount of time the rest of the screen was bugging out.

Recently (as in over the past 2 or 3 days), it has gotten worse, the most notable example being that if I have a youtube video player or image that contains an intense blue, the screen flickers in the same manner as mentioned before.

How do I fix this? It makes the computer hard to use and I'm worried about how long the display will last.

If there's no way to fix it without going and getting a replacement, so be it, but I would rather find a way to keep this computer as is.

How do i get rid of malware?

I recently got a lenovo laptop, and its been pretty good. I downloaded a video from youtube, and ever since then i've been getting pop up ads. I downloaded malwarebytes to run a test, but it said i had nothing to clean. I'm very stressed, how do i get rid of these pop ups?

How does fast charging work on a Lenovo 530?

My Lenovo Yoga 530 says it is compatible with fast charging, does that mean it just charges fast when it is plugged in or it is compatible with fast charging devices, sorry if this is a stupid question just doesn't charge any faster than my old laptop.