Will my computer and power supply be enough for this graphics card?

I've been wanting to upgrade my GPU to a Nvidia GTX 970, but I'm unsure whether my system is adequate enough for the card. My system is a Lenovo X700. Since the model is actually different than the latest version on Levovo's site, I included info about my system in the link below. Note, the power supply mentioned (625w) is actually a 610w in my system. Http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883265536
I also have plenty of other peripherals connected to the system, such as extra HDD's and external USB devices, such as external hard drives. I've also added two extra 500Gb drives internally to accommodate for some extra space that I needed; which makes for a total of 4 HDDs inside, with one of them being the SSD.
Included in the picture below, is the diagram that's shown on the side of my PSU. It details, that there are three 12v rails that produce 18 amps each. All three rails share a max load of 475w. In doing some reseach on the net, I have found claims that say the card doesn't use over 350w at full load; shouldn't this entitle that the 475w should be enough?
After calling "geek squad" (because they're one the only computer places around here that may actually help, or give an opinion), I was confronted with a guy who claimed, that he would put no less than a 1000w psu in with a GTX 970… I of course, laughed and hung up the phone; reason of course being, that I know for a fact, a 1000w psu is overkill.
Thanks for the help guys…Will my computer and power supply be enough for this graphics card - 1 Added (1). I wanted to add, because I ran out of space; I did indeed practically "repost" this question, as I improperly created my last, and in result I got no answers from anyone.
I'm not just some kid wishing to build a gaming computer… I need to know legitimately that this card is going to work or not, before I spend $390…
Thanks again for all of your help… Just in case people need to know, this is the card as well… I had to shorten the link, for text space. https://www.newegg.com/...-_-Product

How is a CPU connected to RAM?

According to HowStuffWorks.com, they're connected by the data bus and address bus. But the website also says that the northbridge is what connects the CPU to RAM, and the front side bus connects the CPU to the northbridge. So where does the data bus come into this?

Lenovo G50-70 or Lenovo Z50?

I know the specs are identical but i still don't know which one to choose.
g50 specs-

Windows 8.1 64
DVD Recordable (Dual Layer)
4 Cell 41 Watt Hour Li-Polymer
Intel® HD Graphics 4400
4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor (1.70GHz 1600MHz 3MB)
8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz
Bluetooth Version 4.0
Lenovo BGN Wireless
One year
1TB 5400 RPM

z50 specs-

Windows 8.1 64
DVD Recordable (Dual Layer)
4 Cell 41 Watt Hour Lithium-Ion
Intel® HD Graphics 4400
4th Generation Intel Core i5-4210U Processor (1.70GHz 1600MHz 3MB)
8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz
Bluetooth Version 4.0
One year
1TB 5400 RPM

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